Fátima Paiva-Martins holds a Master degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences and a PhD and a Habilitation degree in Chemistry, all by the University of Porto. She is Assistant Professor at the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto (DQB-FCUP) since 2002, with tenure since 2007. She has been responsible of several courses namely Food Chemistry and Nutrition, Food Industry, Biochemical and Chemical Aspects in Nutrition, among others. Currently, she is a permanent member of the REQUIMTE/LAQV Research Center – Chemistry and Food Technology Group, where she leads a research group with interests focused mainly on olive oil and synthesis and properties of phenolic antioxidants and their antioxidant mechanisms in oils, emulsified systems, liposomes and in cells. She has published 6 book chapters and 78 original research articles, with more than 2650 citations and an h of 30 and has been involved in several projects as team leader. She currently chairs the Lipid Oxidation and Antioxidant Division of the European Federation for Fat Research (Euro Fed Lipid).
